Registration of the company or institution on the website
Filling out of a short form.
Our confirmation of the registration.
Enter your method
After filling the on-line form, your method or technique will be checked by the database administrator, before inclusion on the database.In the case of missing important information, you will be asked by e-mail to complete it. Inappropriate entries will be rejected. Methods and techniques, which are supported by good and credible references of their previous successful use in other lakes are most welcome and in the database will be marked by: Record is OK Record is OK (with restriction).
After the payment of the registration fee your entry will be published on the website Registration time is 2 years. Registration fee:
Number of entry(ies)
Type of entry
Price/per each entry
Method, Treatment and Biological control of cyanobacterial management in water resources
300 €
250 €
5 and more
200 €
Ending of the registration
You can end your registration of the database by email.
Other reason for ending your registration:
- web administrator can, after advice, finish your registration in case of incorrect information included in the database
- or reaching 2 year term for the availability of your entry